Monday, February 2, 2009

I need to hire a cleaning service.

I'm sooo bad at getting the things done that need to be done on a regular basis. When I have lots of tasks looming over me or if I feel like crap (mentally and/or physically) - NOTHING gets done.

My house is a mess right now. It's always balancing right on the edge of "too dirty" but when it's back within my acceptable limits, I put off cleaning. Some of this right now is due to our never-ending basement remodel. Should I clean the kitchen floors only for the messy contractor to track crap all over them again? My answer is always "no".

In order to make a change for a more clean house and a more happy me, I'm going to attempt to put my cleaning duties in perspective. Give myself some attainable goals. I've decided to start this by sectioning off my house into zones and assigning each zone a rotating week. I'm hoping this will make the daunting job a little more feasible.

Zone A - Livingroom/ Diningroom (these are basically the same room so putting them together is a no-brainer. This zone includes stairs to second floor.)
Zone B - Kitchen (includes basement stairs and hallway/coat closet)
Zone C - Bathrooms
Zone D - Master Bedroom, Guest room, & Computer room
Zone E - Basement

Tentative Schedule:
Feb 1st - Feb 7th ---> Zone A
Feb 8th - Feb 14th ---> Zone B
Feb 15th - Feb 21st ---> Zone C
Feb 22nd - Feb 28th ---> Zone D
Mar 1st - Mar 7th ---> Zone A

I'm starting with Zone A because we actually cleared off our entire table on Fri night so that's a start. I will need still need to:
clean table once more before the end of the week
wash the couch pillows and blankets
clean and organize any loose crap strewn about
mop tile

Think I can do this in the next 6 days? Ugh, I dunno. Everything seems so doable in the daytime and so horrible when I get home from work. We shall see...

I'm sure this will be revamped over time, depending on how well it's working out. I left the basement off the list because there's nothing much I can do in terms of cleaning until the remodel is done. Also, this list does not include doing things like laundry and dishes which need to be done way more often :)

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