Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Week 3; Day 2 & 3

Well, I kept up with the week 3 instruction and am still amazed I can jog for 3 minutes straight. and... I still feel silly for saying that out loud ;)

Day 2 was on 4/17 and it went slightly better than day 1. Nothing interesting to report really. I made it about the same distance, lungs still burned at the end of the 3 minutes but it felt better than the first day.

Day 3 was on 4/21. That's right, after I decided to start going every other day I ended up skipping 2 days. I feel guilty :/ I didn't want to go last night either but I forced myself. I knew I would be happy I went, and I was. I did better distance-wise too so I think I pushed myself to jog a little faster. Same stats as the other two days: 5 loops / 1.5 miles. Actually I did walk a little farther to make sure I was out there for 20 mins (not including the warm up 5 mins) so I probably went closer to 1.6 miles.

I still haven't experienced much pain. Last night my ankle was hurting a little but I just pushed through it. Today it doesn't hurt at all. I haven't ever gotten that common side "stitch" either. I believe I wrote about that knee pain I felt this past Thurs - it continued for a couple days but hasn't been an issue. I seem to be having some trouble with stairs lately but I'm not sure if it's just fatigue or me being scared of knee pain or what. I'll just keep an eye on it.

I wish this running thing was something I couldn't wait to do. Almost every time I go, no matter how horrible it feels, I'm glad I went at the end. I feel a sense of accomplishment and general physical well-being after I go that makes me happy. But damn, is it hard to actually get myself out there.

I've been doing this for almost 5 week now! That is the longest I've kept up with something like this and I'm not even considering giving up yet. In fact, just the opposite, I was considering going on to Week 4 at my next run. I've decided to re-do week 3, though. My main concern is, since I was completely sedentary before, just sticking to this and making it a habit instead of pushing just yet. I do love to see progress but I'm still afraid of giving up if I push too hard.


  1. Good for you! It is so hard to start, but it sounds like you've found your groove.

  2. Don't feel silly for being proud of jogging for three minutes!! I think that is great!
    Repeat as many weeks as you have to! Listen to your body and go at your own pace! 5 weeks is AWESOME!! I am so proud of you!
    The day will come that you will LOVE to run! It's almost an illness... it's all I would think about all day! I would day dream about which course I would run, or how far I would go! Keep up the awesome work Jill!

  3. Hi Jill! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Are you doing the couch to 10 k? Me too! Be proud of your 3 minutes of jogging! Im proud that I can repeat my 90 seconds. (I'm still on week one.) I don't really get too excited about it either, but I do have alot of guilt if I don't do it. Keep up the good work!

  4. I'm jealous. Somebody needs to kick me into jiggling (yes bits jiggle) in search of fitness.

  5. Way to stick with it! I think I'll stick with week 4 for at least another week since I clearly should not have gone there when I had taken several weeks off.
    I'm glad your not having much pain. I haven't taken my omega's and glucosamine in 3 weeks either...I can tell.
